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Nature walk

John Fleming | Published on 6/29/2024

Walk with Nature

Do you love being out in nature and would like to learn more about the flora and maybe the fauna you are seeing?

Keep 29 September 2024 free to come for a walk in Black Hill Conservation Park with the Biology Society SA.

Numbers are limited, so be sure to register early (a wait list is available if places become full, so if you register, but are subsequently unable to come, please cancel your registration or get in contact with me so that your space can be freed up for someone from the wait list).

We intend to open up the Wildflower Garden building, so people can see our displays, and put on some morning tea. If you can help, please let me know.

In addition, for people who feel a walk to the summit is a bit too much, you could do a walk around the wildflower garden (there is usually lots to see).  So if you are available on the day, but don't feel up to going for a long walk, help us by staffing the building and assisting people with directions.

Register Here: Nature Walk with the Biology Society SA - 9/29/2024 or