Dear Friends of Parks and Nature Member Groups
You may have heard recent news about H5 avian influenza (bird flu). Australia remains the only continent free of this highly contagious and serious strain currently circulating worldwide.
However, should it arrive, it is expected to have significant effects on native wildlife, including threatened and abundant species, poultry, agriculture and the economy.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) has prepared the attached factsheet and poster outlining what to do if you encounter sick or dead birds in South Australia. For more information about bird flu, visit:
PIRSA fact sheet avian influenza - for general public.pdf
PIRSA poster for sick or dead wild birds in public spaces.pdf
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Pam Smith
Secretary, Friends of Parks and Nature Inc.
Volunteer Programs Unit
Community and Nature Partnerships Branch
National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia
P (08) 8115 5629 | M 0419 184 615
81 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 1047, ADELAIDE SA 5001