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Annual General Meeting 2022

John Fleming | Published on 12/30/2022

Annual General Meeting November 2022

Our meeting had to be moved to the Ranger's Headquarters on Maryvale Road at the last minute, as the severe storm that hit Adelaide the previous week got into the electrical system at the Resource Centre and burnt out the electrical switchboard.  Fortunately it is now repaired. 
You can find an edited version of the President's report on our YouTube Channel here:

A new Management Committee was elected as follows:
President Paul Farmer
Vice President Ross Christian
Secretary John Fleming
Treasurer David Cox
Minute Secretary Ross Christian
Membership Officer: Grace  Dabrowski
Community Engagement: Ben Brice

In addition the following committee was elected:
Ben Brice
Grace Porter
Rob Brooks
Russell Dahms remains our Public Officer.

We had a informative and interactive presentation on Fire Management from Andy Sheath and Kendell.   This presentation is not yet available on our YouTube channel.

We are currently having issues with our email addresses.  These email addresses are mapped by our website provider to addresses, and we are working with our provider to find out what has gone wrong and fix it.

Meanwhile we request you update your address books to the following: