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Volunteer Survey

Tracy Schultz | Published on 12/30/2022

Dear Friends of Parks Inc, 

We are currently conducting a survey of environmental stewardship volunteers to explore their perceptions of volunteering and stewardship.  We are exploring perceptions about the benefits of engaging in stewardship in the long term, and what enables stewards to continue their involvement over time and avoid feeling burnt out.

This survey is voluntary, anonymous and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Everyone that completes the study will be offered an opportunity to be placed in a draw to win one of two vouchers worth $300. 

Given your strong reputation of supporting environmental stewardship, we would like to invite you to share this survey invitation with your volunteers. The survey link is provided below along with a suggested preamble that can be used to share the survey. 

We would be happy to share a summary of the research findings, which we hope will be useful for organisations such as yours to design policies or programs that can maximise engagement and minimise burnout. If you would like us to provide a summary of the results specific to your volunteers, please let us know and we can add your organisation to the survey.

If you would like any further information about this study, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Additionally, if you would like assistance with drafting additional and/or alternative content for newsletters or social media to assist with sharing the survey, please just let us know. 

Thanks & regards,


Help us identify what motivates volunteers? 

You are invited to participate in an online study to identify what motivates volunteers to participate in environmental stewardship programs like those offered by Friends of Parks and what factors can help to maximise engagement. The study is completely anonymous and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.   Everyone that completes the survey, will be offered the chance to win one of two vouchers worth $300. The survey is being run by researchers from the University of Queensland with funding from the NSW Environmental Trust. To complete the survey, or to find out more information, use the below link:  

Click here to complete the survey

The survey will be open for the next month or so.

Tracy Schultz (she/her)

BSc (Hons), PhD

Research Fellow

The University of Queensland

Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

M+61 040 7575

UQ ALLY Supporting the diversity of sexuality and gender identity at UQ.